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Lightweight vs Heavy Duty Torches

Tuesday, 25th May 2021
Graham (Tech Advisor)
The Welders Warehouse Online Shop

I’ve also produced a video on this subject

I regularly get asked “Lightweight vs Heavy Duty Torches, what’s the difference?”

There is a common perception the Heavy Duty Torches are better quality in some way, this is not the case!

In fact with our Torches, both types are constructed in exactly the same way, the difference is physical size, weight and available accessories

Lightweight vs Heavy Duty Torches

The Torches above are Oxy/Acetylene variants, but apart from the Neck/Nozzle, Oxy/Propane (Propylene) variants are the same!

At this point I shall point out that if you prefer to learn via Video, I have produced a video version of this article called Lightweight v Heavy Duty Gas Torches

Apart from the size difference that you can see in the above photo, the other two main differences are:

  • The Heavy Duty is physically heavier than the Lightweight (clues in the names 😀)
  • The Input fitting that your Hoses will fit onto are different:
    • Lightweight has 1/4″BSP Threads
    • Heavy Duty has 3/8″BSP Threads
    • (I’ve written a separate article about BSP Threads)

Lightweight Torch Accessories

The Welders Warehouse Lightweight Torch comes with 4 Welding/Brazing Nozzles where the Oxy/Acetylene variant is chosen. 3 of our superb Multi-Jet Brazing Nozzles are supplied with the Oxy/Propane (Propylene) variant.

Lightweight Cutting Attachment

A Cutting Attachment that’s capable of cutting up to around 20mm steel is available. This can be used with Oxygen/Acetylene.

There is currently not a Lightweight Cutting Nozzle available for Oxygen/Propane (or Propylene), although the Oxy/Acetylene Cutting Nozzle, while not ideal, is usable.

Lightweight Cutting Gun
Lightweight Cutting Attachment

Lightweight Heating Neck/Nozzle

The Welders Warehouse developed this Nozzle/Neck assembly for the HVAC industry (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning), where it’s used for brazing 3 1/4″ Copper Pipe. Having said that, it’s ideal for anyone needing a bit more heat as it has 6 flame jets. This also makes it popular with Model Engineers needing to braze large components on model steam locomotives!

This versatile Heating Nozzle can be used with either Oxygen/Acetylene or Oxygen/Propane (Propylene)

Lightweight Heating Nozzle
Lightweight Heating Nozzle

Heavy Duty Torch Accessories

As with the Lightweight Torch, The Welders Warehouse Heavy Duty Torch comes with:

  • 4 Welding/Brazing Nozzles where the Oxy/Acetylene variant is chosen
  • 3 of our superb Multi-Jet Brazing Nozzles where the Oxy/Propane (Propylene) variant is chosen

Heavy Duty Cutting Attachment

A Cutting Attachment that’s capable of cutting from around 3mm – 150mm Steel is available. This can be used with Oxygen/Acetylene or Oxygen/Propane (Propylene), when the correct Nozzle type is used.

Oxy/Propane Cutting
Heavy Duty Cutting Attachment

Heavy Duty Heating Nozzle/Neck (Oxygen/Acetylene)

Heating Nozzle & Neck for Oxygen/Acetylene provides 6 flame jets for rapid heating.

Oxy/Acetylene Heating Nozzle
Heavy Duty Oxy/Acetylene Heating Nozzle & Neck

Heavy Duty Heating Nozzle/Neck (Oxygen/Propane)

Heating Nozzle & Neck for Oxygen/Propane (Propylene) comes with two Nozzles for rapid heating.

Oxy/Propane Heating Nozzle
Heavy Duty Oxy/Propane Heating Nozzles & Neck


I titled this article “Lightweight vs Heavy Duty Torches”, but in reality, they’re not really competing with each other as both have their merits!

The advantage with the Lightweight is that, well it’s lighter! This means you’re going to be able to hold it for longer without becoming fatigued.

The Lightweight Torch also uses smaller bore hoses, these are both lighter and offer better flexibility.

So the key advantage of the Lightweight Torch is it’s lighter and offers better overall dexterity!

The downside is the Lightweight Torch is not quite as versatile because there are a smaller range of accessories available.

The key advantage of the Heavy Duty is its versatility, because of the greater range of available accessories.

Thicker steels can be cut with either Oxy/Acetylene or Oxy/Propane (Propylene).

Higher output Heating Nozzles are also available.

Downside is a heavier torch will make fatigue more likely and the need for larger bore hoses to handle the gas requirements of the larger accessories means the hoses are less flexible.

So greater versatility comes at the cost of dexterity!

I hope you found this Lightweight vs Heavy Duty Torches useful. If you would like to know more before you make a decision, please feel free to call and ask for me (number’s at the top of the page).

Please let me know what you thought of this article by leaving a comment.  

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  1. David Ede says:

    Thank you very much for dealing with my query regarding gas pressures on your lightweight heating nozzle. You immediately responded with the exact parameters which will help me enormously. You clearly aim to advise with care and diligence.

    1. Graham says:

      Thank you for the generous comment David.
      Everyone here works hard to offer the best possible service, so it’s nice to know it’s appreciated 🙂
      Kind regards Graham

  2. Douglas Kessner says:

    I am in the process of ordering an Oxy/Acetylene Kit for our welding school, level 1, 2 and 3. (students are ages form 18 t0 30 and have no experience) The welding teacher and I are concerned about (confused) regarding what to purchase A) heavy duty or medium duty oxy/acetylene welding kits from amazon.com Regarding training in levels 1, 2, & 3, the accredited course states normal brazing techniques, and use of the cutting torch. I do not see using the cutting torch cutting more than 1/2-inch-thick steel. I have discovered that the heavy duty is two to three times the cost. The puts a limit on or budget. Considering our needs should we purchase Heavy duty or Medium duty Kits?
    Thank you for this article and would appreciate your comment on our question.

    Dr. Dougals Kessner, WhatsApp 1-772-418-5792, Cornerstone Ministries (NGO in Jamaica West Indies) [email protected]

    1. Graham says:

      Hi Dougals
      I regret I can’t speak for the equipment your considering from Amazon as I don’t know what make it is etc.
      3 Points for you to consider:

      1) Watch our video explaining the difference between UK Lightweight and Heavy Duty Torches (I appreciate that equipment in your location may be a little different, but the principles should be similar).
      2) Speak to a Professional Welding Equipment supplier in your area.
      3) With ref to 2, reconsider buying off Amazon as you are unlikely to get professional pre sale advice, or post sale support.

      Sorry I couldn’t help further.
      Kind Regards

  3. Michael says:

    I have a rusty old tractor that I wish to work on and I am finding that the plain propane only torch that I have, while a decent one, just doesn’t get the metal hot enough to free truly seized components up for removal. I would like to go the oxy propane route but cannot figure out which torch would be best for the job. Would one of these torches suit me or would the 18/90 cutting torch be better?

    1. Graham says:

      Hi Michael
      The reason you’re finding it a challenge using a Propane/Air Torch is because the flame temperaturw is quite low and the heat not very focused. Using Propane/Oxygen considerably elevates the flame Temp and provides very focused heat.
      I would go for the Heavy Duty Torch. I suggest this because there is a Super Heating Option and a Cutting Attachment Option that can be used, thus offering the greatest possible flexibility and capability.
      I hope that helps
      Kind Regards

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